Sunday, December 16, 2012

Raw CT images animation

Here's an animation of the raw images from my CT scanner. Full video to follow soon.


  1. That poor chicken! How many high-enegry rays are you going to expose it to? ;)

  2. Do a inverse radon transformation on it!

  3. What! You've got to be kidding me! I can't wait for the video.

  4. Hi Ben; Very nice work, look forward to your follow-up on this. I took the liberty of downloading your gif and did a little contract enhancement and some colorization. It’s not “inverse radon transformation” and maybe not much improvement. Check it out: Cheers, Mark

  5. Every time I see one of your awesome posts, a singular though echos in my mind:

    "That guy's not married."

    Keep up the good work; lots of folks are living vicariously through your escapades.

  6. Ben, I can't wait for a video related to this project. I'm checking your blog couple of times a day :-)

  7. Hi,
    I'm that guy from EHSM who is building a CT machine. Can you please send me the images (with perspective correction applied) with the angle at which they were measured? I was totally unable to find your email address anywhere...

    jenda (at) hrach dot eu

  8. Oh my god, Ben Krasnow has recreated the "which way is the lady dancer turning", but WITH POULTRY!

  9. Hey Ben, This is Virginia from Nerd Absurd. If you're still interested in being on the show, please shoot me an email. We would love to have you!

  10. Jenda, I am working on getting a better dataset. I think part of the problem that I was experiencing was slight angular misalignment in each frame. This causes the reconstruction to have major artifacts. I'll make the photos public once I get the bugs worked out.

  11. Ben,

    Fantastic work you are doing here.

    I mentioned that on the youtube comment section but here it is again. I write a small blog that is followed by a few researchers (~1500) and would love to feature some of your images so that they can try their own 3d reconstruction algorithms. No alignement or correction are necessary, just the raw data (whenever you are done with them) would be great.


  12. Igor, I shared the raw data via G+. Try these links or check my public profile.
