Thursday, April 10, 2014

Electron beam control in a scanning electron microscope

I describe electron beam optics and deflection as they are employed in scanning electron microscopy. - Deflection amplifier - CRT Christmas tree - FEI Company


  1. I've got an electron microscope gun and lens assembly. The filiment is busted, but if you would like to bust open the assembly and tinker some time I would love to make a road trip out of it!

  2. I've also got the sample chamber. I am gutting the chamber to use as a vacuum chamber, so the plate that controls x,y,x,r,o is all yours if you want it

  3. Hey guys, love the electron microscope.I've only been tinkering with electronics for 3-4 of year and I want to make one so bad, don't think I'm skilled yet to make one. Maybe one day I will get started I'm only 16 so got lots of time.

  4. Now I want to build one of these and see if it can do E-beam lithography... But another project is not what I need right now.
