Thursday, August 7, 2014

How to chemically strengthen glass (eg Gorilla Glass)

I describe why glass fails, and how to improve its apparent strength via a simple chemical treatment. This process is used to create Gorilla Glass.


  1. Very nice video Ben.
    Have you managed to take any photographs with plane polarized light to see the strain patterns as compared to untreated glass slides!
    I suspect that the CofE for glass plays a role in facilitating diffusion of K ions into the surface.
    I have a few pounds of KNO3 handy. I might chemically temper a bit of glass! ;)
    Thanks, Doug

  2. Nitrous, no I haven't tried the polarization inspection, but that sounds pretty awesome. I've seen photos of the strengthened glass profile as viewed in polarized light, and it's interesting to see how thin the chemically-strengthened layer is.

  3. It is a alkali-aluminosilicate sheet toughened glass.It is used primarily as a cover glass for devices like mobile phones,laptop computer displays to prevents cracks from propagating.As per latest information Gorilla glass is used in more than 3 billion devices worldwide.

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