Metal aluminum window screen

The sum total of the big-ticket items shown in the video is $1485. This does not include hoses, wiring, raw metal, teflon, screws, a cabinet, etc. It also does not include an oscilloscope, which can be a very simple model (under $100 on eBay) as long as it has a z axis (brightness) input. Your diffusion pump or diffusion pump baffle may also require a water chiller.
Here are a list of information sources that helped me with this project:
Teralab - Homebuilt electron gun and other great projects
Popular Mechanics video on commercial desktop SEM
Hamamatsu - Supplier of PMTs
TV to oscilloscope circuit
CRT oscilloscope clock circuit
Charged particle optics simulation program
"A Simple Scanning Electron Microscope" P.J. Spreadbury -- Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics Vol 133 Chapter 2.5 (no link).
ISI SEM refurb at home
Great technical info on cathodes and wehnelt cup spacing. Most of the article concerns LaB6 cathodes, but there is a short paragraph on tungsten cathodes.
Numerous websites that gave background and operational information about SEMs.
Lots of web searches
Nearly all raw materials for this project were purchased from McMaster-Carr. All power supplies were purchased on eBay, or I already had them, in which case they came from a surplus store or flea market. Nearly all of the electronic components came from Jameco.