Friday, February 26, 2010

Disassembly of an ASUS VH198T LCD monitor with LED backlight


  1. Hi

    How do you pry the front bezel(plastic)?

  2. Anonymous, I don't remember any special trick. Just insert a screwdriver and rotate/pry gently.

  3. hi what is the frame size of the LCD itself?
    Is it possible to take apart 3 of these and custome design an almost seemless display casing for them?

  4. Anonymous, I don't have the monitor anymore, so I am not sure of the exact frame size. It should be possible to design an almost seamless display built from three monitors. The LCD panel has ribbon connectors that exit along the top edge only, so if your three monitors are side-by-side, it should be possible to get the seam size very small.
